CAPE—College of Accelerated Professional Enrichment
General Discovery
(Successful completion of the following four courses and Competency Interview meets CCC—Certified Christian Chaplain requirements)
GENE 101 Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Resource: Trevino, L., & Nelson, K. (2007). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Print.
- Caption Description: Students arrange a path to acquire the ability to think clearly and critically.
- Course Thesis Question: What is my plan to consistently improve my critical ethics and social responsibility?
GENE 201 Learning in an Information Age
- Resource: Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Kravits, S. L. (2007). Keys to college studying: becoming an active thinker (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students complete strategies for successful distance learning, time management, and for managing the abundance of information available in today’s society.
- Course Thesis Question: How can I encourage others to practice active thinking?
GENE 301 Foundations of Interpersonal Communication
- Resource: Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. (2008). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students implement communication principles, theory, and research to the process of interpersonal communication.
- Course Thesis Question: How is being an effective communicator improving my ministry delivery?
GENE 401 Critical and Creative Thinking
- Resource: Ruggiero, V. R. (2009). The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students critique the critical and creative thinking skills necessary to analyze and solve problems, make decisions, implement strategies, and formulate well supported points of view on key academic, social, and professional issues.
- Course Thesis Question: What critical thinking applications do I apply to improve my ministry?
Leadership Dynamics
LEAD 101 Order From Chaos
- Resource: Heatley, Margaret J. Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1999. Print.
- Caption Description: Students name universal principles adapted to organizational forensics.
- Course Thesis Question: What order and regimen in my life assists me being a leader.
LEAD 201 Being Effective
- Resource: Himsel, Deborrah. Leadership Sopranos Style: How to Become a More Effective Boss. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Pub., 2004. Print.
- Caption Description: Students review leadership styles.
- Course Thesis Question: How does knowing leadership styles help me be a boss who facilitates others?
LEAD 301 No Easy Answers
- Resource: Heifetz, Ronald A. Leadership without Easy Answers. Cambridge: Belknap, 2003. Print.
- Caption Description: Students administer leadership principles.
- Course Thesis Question: How am I familiar with leading beyond my comfort zone and the comfort zone of others?
LEAD 401 Those Who Learn Are Able to Be Led
- Resource: Senge, Peter M. The Fifth Discipline: the Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. New York: Doubleday/Currency, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students experiment applying Senge’s approach to organizations with which they have experiences.
- Course Thesis Question: How am I leading my organization to learn?
LEAD 501 Leadership Facilitation
- Resource: Facilitation Toolbox. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students rank strategies and techniques equipping their group facilitation skills.
- Course Thesis Question: What tools equip me to be a more effective group facilitator?
Facilitating Change
FACI 101 Change Agency
- Resource: Quinn, Robert E. Deep Change: Discovering the Leader within. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996. Print.
- Caption Description: Students reproduce leadership attributes.
- Course Thesis Question: How am I a change agent?
FACI 201 Change Starts With Me
- Resource: Senge, Peter M., Joseph Jaworski, and C. Otto. Scharmer. Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organizations and Society. London: Brealey, 2008. Print.
- Caption Description: Students express how changes in organizations must first occur as changes in people.
- Course Thesis Question: How am I certain I am embodying the change my organization needs?
FACI 301 Problem Posing/Problem Solving
- Resource: Biehl, Bobb. Stop Setting Goals If You Would Rather Solve Problems. Nashville, TN: Moorings, 1995. Print.
- Caption Description: Students calculate problem posing and problem solving techniques.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I tell the difference between planning to solve problems and acting to solve problems?
FACI 401 Introducing Innovation
- Resource: Kelley, Tom, and Jonathan Littman. The Ten Faces of Innovation IDEO’s Strategies for Beating the Devil’s Advocate [and] Driving Creativity throughout Your Organization. London: Profile, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students contrast status quo with change driving.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I keep my self from being captured by the status quo?
FACI 501 Demand Networks
- Resource: Cares, Jeffrey R., Rule Sets For Sense And Respond Logistics: The Logic Of Demand Networks. Alidade Incorporated and Industrial Science, LLC (under contract with Office of Secretary of Defense, Office of Force Transformation), 30 March 2004. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students argue for adaptation, flexibility, agility, and responsiveness in contrast to reactive or predictive networks that facilitate change.
- Course Thesis Question: How are the Rule Set recommendations similar to the short rule sets John Wesley used when sending people out into the field?
Scriptural Discovery
(Successful completion of the following four courses and Polity Interview meets COM—Certified Ordained Minister requirements)
SCRI 101 Old Testament Revelations
- Resource: Leffel, Jim. Survey of the Old Testament. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students match Old Testament revelations that appear in the New Testament Church.
- Course Thesis Question: How does the Old Testament reveal God’s love and God’s love to come?
SCRI 201 New Testament Transformations
- Resource: Institute in Basic Life Principles. Commands of Christ. Oak Brook, IL: Institute in Basic Life Principles, 2003.
- Caption Description: Students describe Jesus ministry as a transformative force on theism, secular government, and society.
- Course Thesis Question: How does applying more Christian principles change transform current culture?
SCRI 301 Apocryphal Declarations
- Resource: Coogan, Michael David., Marc Zvi. Brettler, Carol A. Newsom, and Pheme Perkins. The New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha. New York: Oxford UP, 2007. Print.
- Caption Description: Students conduct faith-building discernment from these writings.
- Course Thesis Question: What amplifications do I gain from these Scriptures?
SCRI 401 Non-Canonical Amplifications
- Resources:
- Caption Description: Students diagram affirmations from these works not selected in the Canon.
- Course Thesis Question: What similarities exist between these writings and Canonical Scripture?
Research Preparation
RESE 501 Managing Projects
RESE 510 Managing Projects
- Resource: MS Project Management
- Caption Description: Students construct research using the MS Project tool.
- Course Thesis Question: What competencies do I need in order to complete a professional research project?
RESE 701 Qualitative & Quantitative Research Techniques
- Resources:
- Booth, Wayne G., Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams. Craft of Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.
- Boyatzis, Richard E. Transforming Qualitative Information . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 1998. Print.
- Leedy Paul D. Practical Research Planning and Design. New York, MacMillan Publishing Company, 1980.
- Caption Description: Students synthesize qualitative and quantitative research to triangulate findings.
- Course Thesis Question: What competencies do I need in order to complete a scholarly research project?
LITE 101 Capstone Project Literature Review
LITE 201 Capstone Research Literature Review
PRES 401 Capstone Project Presentation
- Resource: Rudestam, Kjell Erik, and Rae R. Newton. Surviving Your Dissertation: A Complete Guide to Content and Process. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 1992.
- Caption Description: Students appraise and present subject research in partial fulfillment of a baccalaureate degree.
- Course Thesis Question: How does this project add to my knowledge?
PRES 501 Capstone Project Thesis
- Resource: Rudestam, Kjell Erik, and Rae R. Newton. Surviving Your Dissertation: A Complete Guide to Content and Process. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 1992.
- Caption Description: Students appraise and present project research in partial fulfillment of a graduate level professional degree.
- Course Thesis Question: How does this project encourage professional depth?
PRES 601 Capstone Research Thesis
- Resource: Rudestam, Kjell Erik, and Rae R. Newton. Surviving Your Dissertation: A Complete Guide to Content and Process. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 1992.
- Caption Description: Students appraise and present topic research in partial fulfillment of a graduate level research degree.
- Course Thesis Question: How does this project encourage further research?
PRES 801 Capstone Project Dissertation
- Resource: Rudestam, Kjell Erik, and Rae R. Newton. Surviving Your Dissertation: A Complete Guide to Content and Process. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 1992.
- Caption Description: Students appraise and present project research in partial fulfillment of a doctoral level professional degree.
- Course Thesis Question: How does this project add original application knowledge?
PRES 901 Capstone Research Dissertation
- Resource: Rudestam, Kjell Erik, and Rae R. Newton. Surviving Your Dissertation: A Complete Guide to Content and Process. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Publications, 1992.
- Caption Description: Students appraise and present topic research in partial fulfillment of a doctoral level research degree.
- Course Thesis Question: How does this project add original research knowledge?
CAPS—College of Accelerated Pastoral Studies
Biblical Counseling
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CBC—Certified Biblical Counselor requirements)
CAPS 101 Spiritual Approach
- Resource: Dr. Michael Layne
- Caption Description: Students recognize Christian counseling as it pertains to the triune nature of the species of man.
- Course Thesis Questio+n: How does counseling enhance one’s spiritual formation?
CAPS 201 Legal, Ethical, Professional Issues
- Resource: Dr. Michael Layne
- Caption Description: Students locate the legal, ethical, and professional context in which biblical counseling is delivered.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I know I am being an ethical counselor?
CAPS 301 Forgiveness & Conflict Management
- Resource: Dr. Michael Layne
- Caption Description: Students prescribe techniques learned to different client scenarios.
- Course Thesis Question: How can forgiveness facilitate conflict management?
CAPS 401 Trauma & Grief
- Resource: Dr. Michael Layne
- Caption Description: Students differentiate techniques used in trauma and grief counseling.
- Course Thesis Question: What conditions need to be present for a client to benefit from trauma and grief counseling?
CAPS 501 Jesus as Counselor
- Resource: Hardy, Andrew R., and Jennifer S. Hardy. The Spirit of Jesus – The Best Counsellor In the Universe! A Training Programme for Christian Counsellors. Andrew & Jennifer Hardy, November 2007. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students hypothesize Jesus’ approach to counseling.
- Course Thesis Question: What kind of counselor is Jesus?
CAPS 502 Rejecting Rejection
- Resource: Meyer, Joyce. The Root of Rejection: Escape the Bondage of Rejection and Experience the Freedom of God’s Acceptance. New York: Warner, 2002. Print.
- Caption Description: Students organize paths from rejection.
- Course Thesis Question: What happens if there is no pathway from rejection?
CAPS 601 Restoration
- Resource: Swenson, Richard A. Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives; The Overload Syndrome: Learning to Live within Your Limits. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2002. Print.
- Caption Description: Students assess coping strategy effectiveness.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I know when others and I are getting overloaded?
CAPS 602 Revelation Embraced
- Resource: Loveless, Caron, and LeAnn Weiss. Hugs from Heaven, Embraced by the Savior: Sayings, Scriptures, and Stories from the Bible Revealing God’s Love. West Monroe, LA: Howard Pub., 1998. Print.
- Caption Description: Students value Scripture as transmitter of God’s love.
- Course Thesis Question: How does the Word convey love?
Contemporary Parish Leadership
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CBM—Certified Bi-Vocational Minister requirements)
CAPS 111 Ecumenism
- Resource: Lacy, Donald Charles. Collected Works. Franklin, TN: Providence House, 2001. Print.
- Caption Description: Students define ecumenism using the life and works of Don Lacy as a model.
- Course Thesis Question: How does Don Lacy’s life model ecumenism?
CAPS 211 Revealing Congregations
- Resource: Ammerman, Nancy Tatom. Studying Congregations: a New Handbook. Nashville: Abingdon, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students classify methods to know their congregations.
- Course Thesis Question: What do different research methods tell me about a congregation?
CAPS 311 Practicing Faith
- Resource: Schnase, Robert C. Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Nashville: Abingdon, 2007. Print.
- Caption Description: Students demonstrate anticipated outcomes from fruitful practices.
- Course Thesis Question: What does the “fruit I bear” do for others?
CAPS 411 Today’s Polities
- Resource: Dr. Michael Layne
- Caption Description: Students distinguish the polities of the Lutheran Orthodox Church (The Catholic Church—Lutheran Rite), Methodist Episcopal Church USA, Evangelical Protestant Church of America, World Missionary Church Alliance, et al.
- Course Thesis Question: What are the freedoms and limitations of different faith communities’ polities in making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the word?
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CCD—Certified Church Developer requirements)
CAPS 511 Today’s Evangelism
- Resource: Gulley, Philip. If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus. New York, NY: HarperOne, 2010. Print.
- Caption Description: Students write about Jesus’ values in making disciples.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I remove obstacles that hinder others and me living Jesus’ values?
CAPS 512 Leading Congregations
- Resource: Crainshaw, Jill Y. Keep the Call: Leading the Congregation without Losing Your Soul. Nashville: Abingdon, 2007. Print.
- Caption Description: Students create a congregational leadership mantra.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I stay true to my call?
CAPS 611 Developing Excellence
- Resource: Rainer, Thom S. Breakout Churches: Discover How to Make the Leap. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005. Print.
- Caption Description: Students defend success actions.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I encourage those around me to “make the leap?”
CAPS 612 On Target
- Resource: Borden, Paul D. Hit the Bullseye: How Denominations Can Aim Congregations at the Mission Field. Nashville: Abingdon, 2003. Print.
- Caption Description: Students inspect the thesis of denominational relevance.
- Course Thesis Question: How does connectionalism facilitate delivering ministry to local mission fields?
Scriptural Applications
CAPS 121 Grace Seems Unfair
- Resource: Lozano, Neal. The Older Brother Returns: Finding a Renewed Sense of God’s Love and Mercy. Clinton Corners, NY: Attic Studio, 1995. Print.
- Caption Description: Students know the unilateral nature of extending and receiving grace.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I resist “older brother” reactions?
CAPS 221 God’s Greatness Through Us
- Resource: Swindoll, Charles R. The Cultivation of Something Great: Jesus’ Teaching and Training of the Disciples. Anaheim, CA: Insight for Living, 1995.
- Caption Description: Students illustrate how man’s spirit beings are channels of God’s creativity.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I keep a ready and receptive spirit?
CAPS 321 Christ’s Spirit in the Old Testament
- Resource: Hardy, Andrew R. How the Canon of the Old Testament Books Joshua through to Second Kings Took place under the Guidance of the “Spirit of Christ”. International Christian Youth Works, 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students interpret the Holy Spirit’s authorship of books in the Old Testament Canon.
- Course Thesis Question: Where do I find Jesus in the Old Testament?
CAPS 421 Social Changing Parables
- Resource: Herzog, William R. Parables as Subversive Speech: Jesus as Pedagogue of the Oppressed. Louisville, KY: Westminster/J. Knox, 1994. Print.
- Caption Description: Students explore Jesus’ parables as catalyst for historic and contemporary social change.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I help others be comfortable with Jesus’ subversive speech as it addresses contemporary issues?
CAPS 521 Multidimensional Parables
- Resource: Kalas, J. Ellsworth. Parables from the Backside. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1992.
- Caption Description: Students synthesize parable perspectives.
- Course Thesis Question: What are some overlooked instructions in the parables?
CAPS 522 Anointed “Preaching”
- Resource: Morris, Leon. Apostolic Preaching of the Cross. London: Tyndale Press, 1982.
- Caption Description: Students write connecting practices to receive the Holy Spirit’s anointing.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I keep connected with the Holy Spirit?
CAPS 621 The Anointed Mind
- Resource: Barna, George. Think like Jesus. Ventura, CA: Issachar Resources, 2003. Print.
- Caption Description: Students envision thinking like Jesus.
- Course Thesis Question: How do others know I have the mind of Christ?
CAPS 622 Anointed Power
- Resource: Ligon, William T. Imparting the Blessing to Your Children. Brunswick, GA: Father’s Blessing, 1989. Print.
- Caption Description: Students justify generational blessings.
- Course Thesis Question: What are distinct about generational blessings?
CARE—College of Accelerated Religious Education
Christian Education
CARE 101 Teaching Ministry
- Resource: Pazmiño, Robert W. Basics of Teaching for Christians: Preparation, Instruction, and Evaluation. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1998. Print.
- Caption Description: Students recall the attributes contributing to education as an apostolic ministry.
- Course Thesis Question: How is my teaching connected with apostolic succession?
CARE 201 Theological Integration
- Resource: Ford, LeRoy. A Curriculum Design Manual for Theological Education. Nashville, TN: Boardman Press, 1991. Print
- Caption Description: Students translate theological integration into learning.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I integrate theology into curriculum?
CARE 301 Intrinsic Learning
- Resource: Brookfield, Stephen. Self-directed Learning: from Theory to Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985. Print.
- Caption Description: Students choose strategies that facilitate independent learners.
- Course Thesis Question: What do I learn from independent learners?
CARE 401 Learning Effectiveness
- Resource: Ford, LeRoy. Design for Teaching and Training. Nasvhville, TN: Boardman Press, 1978. Print.
- Caption Description: Students examine effective learning by addressing learner relevance.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I increase learner relevance?
CARE 501 Multiple Intelligences Bible Teaching
- Resource: Bruce, Barbara. 7 Ways of Teaching the Bible to Adults: Using Our Multiple Intelligences to Build Faith. Nashville: Abingdon, 2000. Print.
- Caption Description: Students plan an approach to teaching that is learner centric.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I facilitate my teaching to be learner relevant?
CARE 502 Reflectivity
- Resource: Brookfield, Stephen. Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995. Print.
- Caption Description: Students compose their critical reflections.
- Course Thesis Question: How does reflectivity improve learning facilitation?
CARE 601 Teaching-Learning Coexistence
- Resource: Ford, LeRoy. A Primer for Teachers and Learners. Nashville, TN: Broadman, 1963.
- Caption Description: Students grade Ford’s assertions.
- Course Thesis Question: What is optimal teaching and learning coexistence?
CARE 602 Discovering the Teacher Within
- Resource: Shumsky, Abraham, and Adaia Shumsky. In Search of Teaching Style. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968. Print.
- Caption Description: Students estimate their teaching style.
- Course Thesis Question: How does my style help and hinder learners?
Curriculum and Instruction
CARE 111 Curriculum Primer
- Resource: McNeil, John. Curriculum. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1996. Print.
- Caption Description: Students label the curriculum components.
- Course Thesis Question: How is curriculum related to instruction and evaluation?
CARE 211 When Curriculum Is No Longer Relevant
- Resource: Peddiwell, J. Abner. The Saber-tooth Curriculum. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1939. Print.
- Caption Description: Students depict curriculum relevancy through an antithesis to a mythical look at what happens to a society and its education system when what is taught is no longer needed to be learned.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I know what I’m teaching is relevant?
CARE 311 Andragogical Perspectives
- Resource: Knowles, Malcom, Elwood F. Hoton III, Richard A. Swanson. The Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resources Development. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998. Print.
- Caption Description: Students practice distinct strategies to facilitate instruction and communication appropriate for adult learners.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I create interdependency with adult learners?
CARE 411 Context of What We Teach
- Resource: Gaff, Jerry G., and James L. Ratcliff. Handbook of the Undergraduate Curriculum: a Comprehensive Guide to Purposes, Structures, Practices, and Change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997. Print.
- Caption Description: Students investigate the historic context and evolution of disciplines and subjects.
- Course Thesis Question: What are the origins of disciplines and subjects that are commonplace today?
CARE 511 Anointed Teaching
- Resource: Virkler, Mark, and Patti Virkler. Spirit-Anointed Teaching Seminars Guide. CWG Ministries, 2001. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students integrate Holy Spirit guidance into teaching methods.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I allow the Holy Spirit to guide my teaching?
CARE 512 Teaching Thinking
- Resource: Beyer, Barry K. Practical Strategies for the Teaching of Thinking. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1987. Print.
- Caption Description: Students design strategies for teaching thinking.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I know when students have mastered learning to think?
CARE 611 Teaching as Ministry
- Resource: Palmer, Parker J. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2007. Print.
- Caption Description: Students examine a teacher’s inner being.
- Course Thesis Question: What within my inner being helps me consistently teach effectively?
CARE 612 God’s Creative Mind
- Resource: Gardner, Howard. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York, NY: Basic, 1999. Print.
- Caption Description: Students estimate the impact of using multiple intelligences theory.
- Course Thesis Question: What happens in students’ lives when teaching hit the relevancy target?
Educational Leadership
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CRE—Certified Religious Educator requirements)
CARE 121 Single Outcome, Multiple Intelligences
- Resource: Gardner, Howard. Multiple Intelligences: the Theory in Practice. New York: Basic, 2003. Print.
- Caption Description: Students quote aspects from each intelligence.
- Course Thesis Question: How does knowing multiple intelligences impact educational administration?
CARE 221 Responsibility to Reform
- Resource: Brower, Robert. Who’s Business Is School Reform? Letting the Experts Drive School Improvement. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students discuss how business, church, community and school are all inter-related and interdependent in their responsibility to reform education.
- Course Thesis Question: How is school reform be interdependent with church, community, and family?
CAPS 321 Promoting Great Teaching
- Resource: Whitaker, Beth, and Todd Whitaker. What Great Teachers Do Differently: 14 Things That Matter Most. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students apply techniques to encourage great teaching so it can be embraced and replicated.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I encourage teachers to be great?
CARE 421 Articulating Your Institution
- Resource: Kotler, Philip, and Karen Fox. Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2002. Print.
- Caption Description: Students test engaging and inspiring prospective customers and stakeholders as essential to an institution’s success.
- Course Thesis Question: Why is promoting my institution essential?
CARE 521 Bible School Operations in the Local Church
- Resource: Virkler, Mark, and Patti Virkler. Operations Manual for Church-Centered Bible Schools. Cheektowaga, NY: Lamad Curriculum Developers, LLC, 2007. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students systematize school operational functions.
- Course Thesis Question: What are compelling components of school operations?
CARE 522 Education & the Law
- Resource: Hazard, W.R. Education and the Law. New York: Free Press, 1978.
- Caption Description: Students combine legal issues into broader categories.
- Course Thesis Question: How do legal issues impact future education delivery in church, community, home, and school?
CARE 621 Educational Administration
- Resource: Hoy, Wayne K., and Cecil G. Miskel. Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2008. Print.
- Caption Description: Students judge the integrity of decision process.
- Course Thesis Question: How am I an effective administrator?
CARE 622 School Conflict: Politics of Educational Decision Making
- Resource: Wirt, Frederick M., and Michael W. Kirst. Schools in Conflict: the Politics of Education. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan Pub., 1989. Print
- Caption Description: Students rank contemporary societal conflicts face schools.
- Course Thesis Question: What problems do conflicts pose?
CALL—College of Accelerated Lay Leadership
Affinity & Ecumenical Ministry
(Successful completion of following four courses meets CLL—Certified Lay Leader requirements)
CALL 101 Living As One
- Resource: Lacy, Donald Charles. Decalogue For Ecumenical Discipleship. Touchstone (, Winter 1988.
- Caption Description: Students repeat the ten daily attitudes and practices that bring greater unity to the Body of Christ.
- Course Thesis Question: What do I learn about Jesus in ecumenical discipleship?
CALL 201 Knowing the Territory
- Resource: Longworth, Richard C. Caught in the Middle: America’s Heartland in the Age of Globalism. New York: Bloomsbury, 2008. Print.
- Caption Description: Students relate their community’s leading influencers.
- Course Thesis Question: How does my community’s interrelatedness impact delivering ministry?
CALL 301 Community Resource Audit
- Resource: Workforce Learning Strategies. Conducting a Community Audit. Employment and Training Administration, Office of Adult Services, August 2000. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students will conduct phases of a mock audit.
- Course Thesis Question: How does an audit help illustrate my community?
CALL 401 Connecting with Contemporary Newcomers
- Resource: Anderson, Douglas T., and Michael J. Coyner. The Race to Reach Out: Connecting Newcomers to Christ in a New Century. Nashville: Abingdon, 2004. Print.
- Caption Description: Students question techniques to engage newcomers to Christ.
- Course Thesis Question: How do newcomers know I am connecting with them?
CALL 501 Rethinking Church
- Resource: Board of Global Ministries, United Methodist Communications. The Rethink Church Workshop Participants’ Handouts, Nashville, TN: United Methodist Communications, Revised January 2010. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students organize guest-nurturing faith communities.
- Course Thesis Question: How do guests react to a nurturing community?
CALL 502 Fast Food Nourishment
- Resource: Lacy, Donald Charles. Fast Food for the Soul: Nourishing Inspiration in Today’s Hectic World. Franklin, TN: Providence House, 2005. Print.
- Caption Description: Students merge eternal needs with societal immediate gratification desires and practices.
- Course Thesis Question: How is “fast food” “long lasting seed?”
CALL 601 Jesus, Mary, and Redemption
- Resource: Gentle, Judith Marie. Jesus Redeeming in Mary: the Role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Redemption According to St. Louis Marie Grignion De Montfort. Bay Shore, NY: Montfort Publications, 2003. Print.
- Caption Description: Students value the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Course Thesis Question: What role does the Blessed Virgin Mary have in my life?
CALL 602 Believer’s Authority
- Resource: Lewis. C.S. Screw Tape Letters: How a Senior Devil Instructs a Junior Devil in the Art of Temptation. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1980. Print.
- Caption Description: Students argue against Screwtape’s thesis in their own letters to Wormwood.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I tactically stand against demon influences to my ministry?
Interdependent Ministry
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CLM—Certified Lay Minister requirements)
CALL 111 Ministry Covenant
- Resource: Discipleship Resources. Call and Covenant for Ministry. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students retain the role of lay ministry and Certified Lay Ministry within the context of learning and leading in the congregation.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I explain my call to lay ministry?
CALL 211 Ministry Praxis
- Resource: Discipleship Resources. The Practice of Ministry. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students explain the theological and practical issues involved in planning worship in the church
- Course Thesis Question: How is theology represented in liturgy and worship?
CALL 311 Ministry Organization
- Resource: Discipleship Resources. Organization for Ministry. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students employ a basic understanding of leadership, administration, and congregational development in the context of maximizing leadership, organization, and resources to bring about faithful and fruitful ministry in various kinds of congregations.
- Course Thesis Question: What impact does organization have on my ministry?
CALL 412 Ministry Connexion
- Resource: Discipleship Resources. Connection for Ministry. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students research basic history, doctrine, and polity; exposure to the connection between a local church, district, conference, and general agencies of the denomination where applicable and develop plans for ongoing education; and conclude with a commitment service. Presented from a United Methodist Church perspective with individualized faith community of student’s selection included.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I leverage ministry connection to make discples?
CALL 511 Mystic Influences
- Resource: Hardy, Andrew R. Christian Mystical Experience and Theology Throughout Church History. 13 September 2007. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students theorize mystical influences on theology.
- Course Thesis Question: How does learning from the mystics develop my faith.
CALL 512 The Foundational Offices
- Resource: Virkler, Mark and Patti Virkler. Gifted to Succeed: Making Dreams Come! True Becoming All God destined you to be., 2004.
- Caption Description: Students integrate the foundational offices to function interdependently with their discerned dominant calling.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I keep my dominant calling from shutting out others’ callings?
CALL 611 Excellence in Ministry
- Resource: Anderson, Douglas T., and Michael J. Coyner. The Race to Reach Out: Connecting Newcomers to Christ in a New Century. Nashville: Abingdon, 2004. Print.
- Caption Description: Students inspect newcomer connection strategies.
- Course Thesis Question: How do newcomers know I am connecting with them?
CALL 612 Community Cultivation
- Resource: Hawkins, Thomas R. Cultivating Christian Community. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources, 2001. Print.
- Caption Description: Students examine techniques to deliver Christ’s message.
- Course Thesis Question: How do my communities know I am connecting with them?
Transformational Discipleship
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CTC—Certified Transformational Coach requirements)
CALL 121 Being Like Jesus
- Resource: Sneed, Barry, and Roy Edgemon. Transformational Discipleship: Your Church Helping People to Be Like Jesus. Nashville, TN: LifeWay Press, 1999. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students restate ways of being like Jesus to make disciples for the transformation of the world.
- Course Thesis Question: Where does transformational discipleship begin?
CALL 221 Transforming Like Jesus
- Resource: Crabtree, Charles T. Transformational Discipleship. Springfield, MO: Gospel House, 2007. Print.
- Caption Description: Students characterize attributes equipping them to be agents of transformation and agents empowering transformation.
- Course Thesis Question: What equips me to be a spiritual change agent?
CAPS 321 Bearing Fruit
- Resource: Schnase, Robert C. Five Practices of Fruitful Living. Nashville: Abingdon, 2010. Print.
- Caption Description: Students operate fruitful practices in their lives.
- Course Thesis Question: How do others know I am “bearing fruit?”
CALL 421 Use Words If Necessary
- Resource: Boulding, Maria (Translator). Confessions of St. Augustine. New York, Vintage Books, 1997. Print.
- Caption Description: Students inventory St. Augustine’s approach to making disciples.
- Course Thesis Question: What do my actions say?
CALL 521 Health Care Ministry
- Resource: Virkler, Mark, Patti Virkler, and Reuben DeHaan. Restoring Health Care as a Ministry: Evaluating and integrating healing methodologies according to biblical and spiritual principles., 2003. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students propose returning health care as ministry in coexistence with sick care.
- Course Thesis Question: What impact does health care ministry have?
CALL 522 Gospel Release
- Resource: Reese, Martha Grace. Unbinding the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism. St. Louis, MO: Chalice, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students formulate evangelistic praxis in their families, vocations, and communities.
- Course Thesis Question: How do my spiritual practices embody constant evangelism?
CALL 621 Experiential Transformation
- Resource: Kalas, J. Ellsworth. If Experience Is Such a Good Teacher, Why Do I Keep Repeating the Course? Nashville: Dimensions for Living, 1994. Print.
- Caption Description: Students review experience as teacher.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I apply and leverage experience?
CALL 622 Spiritual Legacy
- Resource: Moore, James W. At the End of the Day: How Will You Be Remembered? Nashville, TN: Dimensions for Living, 2002. Print.
- Caption Description: Students review status of legacy.
- Course Thesis Question: What witness is my legacy making now?
CAST—College of Accelerated Spiritual Transformation
CAST 101 Ecumenist’s Journey
- Resource: Lacy, Donald Charles. With an Attitude of Gratitude: a Personal/professional Memoir. Franklin, TN: Providence House, 2010. Print.
- Caption Description: Students list attributes of an ecumenist’s life.
- Course Thesis Question: By what attributes in my life would others know I am an ecumenist?
CAST 201 Spiritual Movement
- Resource: Thomson, Paul Van K. Plus Sign on the Roof. Petersham, MA: St. Bede’s Publications, 1990. Print
- Caption Description: Students identify the Holy Spirit’s leading in the life of a person drawn from one faith family to another.
- Course Thesis Question: In what directions do I discern the Holy Spirit calling me to a place or understanding different than that from where I am now?
CAST 301 Secular Doorways
- Resource: Sweet, Leonard I., and Edward H. Hammett. The Gospel According to Starbucks: Living with a Grande Passion. Colorado Springs, CO: Waterbrook, 2007. Print.
- Caption Description: Students dramatize successful secular approaches to ministry.
- Course Thesis Question: What does the secular world teach me about effective ministry delivery?
CAST 401 Formation-in-Progress
- Resource: McLaren, Brian D. A Generous Orthodoxy: Why I Am a Missional, Evangelical, Post/Protestant, Liberal/conservative, Mystical/poetic, Biblical, Charismatic/contemplative, Fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, Green, Incarnational, Depressed-yet-hopeful, Emergent, Unfinished Christian. El Cajon, CA: Youth Specialties, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students compare McLaren’s approach to their own.
- Course Thesis Question: How is my witness generous?
CAST 501 Revelation Worship
- Resource: Hardy, Andrew R. Future Worship in the Present Day: Reflective Mediations from the Book of Revelation. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students create personal meditations.
- Course Thesis Question: What do my meditations tell me about my faith development?
CAST 502 Me & Jesus
- Resource: Major, Jason. Communion: Me & Jesus. Jason Majors: Journals from “Communication with God” course instructed by Mark Virkler, 2005. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students unite their reactions with Jesus’ proactions.
- Course Thesis Question: What do I need to know about Jesus in order to react like Him?
CAST 601 Dialoging with God
- Resource: Luins, Ben C. Dialoging with God Through the Tabernacle Experience. Ashton, ID:, 21 May 2007. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students justify experience as connector to God.
- Course Thesis Question: Why does God communicate through experience?
CAST 602 Interpreting Dreams
- Resource: Virkler, Mark, and Patti Virkler. Principles of Christian Dream Interpretation. Elma, NY:, 2004. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students critique dream interpretation within Christian practice.
- Course Thesis Question: In what ways does God communicate through dreams?
Practical Theology
(Successful completion of the following four courses meets CCN—Certified Church Networker requirements)
CAST 111 Social Networking in Making Disciples
- Resource: Shields, Stephen. Online Social Networking Tools for the Church: New Horizons for Kingdom Impact. Leadership Network, 2007. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students order steps in using social networks to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
- Course Thesis Question: How does my social networking help make disciples?
CAST 211 Articulating Faith
- Resource: Peck, J. Richard. Speaking Faith: the Essential Handbook for Religion Communicators. New York, NY: Religion Communicators Council, 2004. Print.
- Caption Description: Students compare communications principles.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I know which principles to implement and when?
CAST 311 Marketing Communications Planning/Crisis Communications Planning
- Resource: Palo Alto Software. Business Plan Pro and Marketing Plan Pro. Software.
- Caption Description: Students compute components necessary to creating effective communications plans.
- Course Thesis Question: How do strategies and tactics interrelate?
CAST 411 Consistently Correct
- Resource: Autry, James A., and Peter Roy. The Book of Hard Choices: How to Make the Right Decisions at Work and Keep Your Self-respect. New York: Morgan Road, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students categorize methods to maintain their integrity in the workplace.
- Course Thesis Question: What do I need to give up in order to make right decision?
CAST 511 Present Future
- Resource: McNeal, Reggie. The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2003. Print.
- Caption Description: Students compose solution paths.
- Course Thesis Question: To what outcome are my solution paths leading me?
CAST 512 Life Parables
- Resource: Moore, James W. Jesus’ Parables of Life. Nashville: Dimensions for Living, 2005. Print.
- Caption Description: Students consolidate parables with contemporary perspectives.
- Course Thesis Question: What is a contemporary issue that could use a parabolic approach?
CAST 611 Gospel Dimensions
- Resource: Buechner, Frederick. Telling the Truth: the Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale. San Francisco: Harper, 1991. Print.
- Caption Description: Students evaluate contemporary Gospel applications.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I express the Gospel in relevant terms to someone who doesn’t know it?
CAST 612 Revelation Missology
- Resource: Hardy, Andrew R. The Lamad Book of Mission and Evangelism to Secular Un-churched 21st Century People: A Revelation Based Approach to Christian Missiology. Christian Leadership University Master of Mission and Evangelism Thesis, 2 February 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students assess missional approaches.
- Course Thesis Questions: How I am using a Revelation basis to interact in the secular world?
Spiritual Gifts Manifestation
CAST 121 Spiritual Fitness
- Resource: Hunt, Kia. Exercising the Body of Christ: A Workbook to Workout Your Spiritual Gifts! Kansas City, MO:, 2006. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students duplicate a spiritual workout plan for their lives.
- Course Thesis Question: What will I do with my spiritual strength?
CAST 221 Christian Ethical Dialogue
- Resource: Hardy, Andrew R. A Frank and Challenging Approach to enable the Christian Young Person to Evaluate his or Her Ethics! Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students report on the ways in which one’s spiritual formation controls ethics.
- Course Thesis Question: What do my ethical practices witness about my relationship with God?
CAST 321 Revelation, Meditation, Interpretation
- Resource: Hardy, Andy. Whole Brain Revelation Meditation and Biblical Interpretation. 5 May 2008. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students perform “whole brain” techniques to mediate and interpret Biblical thesis.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I practice whole brain spirituality?
CAST 421 Revelation Knowledge
- Resource: Greig, Gary, Mark Virkler, and Patti Virkler. Sound Doctrine Through Revelation Knowledge., 2003. Electronic.
- Caption Description: Students discriminate between doctrine and revelation.
- Course Thesis Question: How do I know the degree to which a doctrine is Holy Spirit revealed?
CAPS 521 Provocative Grace
- Resource: Morris, Robert Corin. Provocative Grace: the Challenge in Jesus’ Words. Nashville: Upper Room, 2006. Print.
- Caption Description: Students design contemporary implementation of Jesus’ examples.
- Course Thesis Question: How does my grace witness to others?
CAPS 522 Praying for Results
- Resource: Word Ministries, Inc. Prayers That Avail Much: Intercessor’s Handbook of Scriptural Prayers Vol. II. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1987. Print.
- Caption Description: Students theorize on prayer channel effectiveness.
- Course Thesis Question: How do my prayers witness expectancy?
CAPS 621 Abundant Manifestation
- Resource: Avanzini, John F. What Jesus Taught about Manifesting Abundance. Tulsa, OK: Harrison House, 1996. Print.
- Caption Description: Students critique laws of abundance.
- Course Thesis Question: How am receiving God’s grace to live in abundance (spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and socially)?
CAPS 622 Lifelong Manifestation
- Resource: Meyer, F.B. David. Fort Washington, PA: Christian Life Crusade, 1990. Print.
- Caption Description: Students envision living a David life.
- Course Thesis Question: How do times when I am not in God’s will draw me closer to God in the future?
COPE—College Of Postgr